Dual Training
As well as structured courses, we offer one-to-one dual training, where we can tailor the flying to your personal needs, whether that be competition training or just for pure the fun of flying!
Dual aerobatic training is carried out from our home at White Waltham airfield in Berkshire, just west of London near junction 8/9 on the M4 motorway.
We're usually flying, so bookings can be made by dropping us an email on: bookings@ultimateaerobatics.co.uk If you would rather talk things through, just send us your number and we'll call you back as soon as we can.
The primary aircraft used for dual training is our Pitts S-2A biplane, arguably the finest and most cost-effective machine ever designed for aerobatic training. We also offer training in the Extra 330LX which is mainly used for advanced aerobatic training. This is the finest two seat aerobatic trainer out there and offers an excellent opportunity to progress further with your skills and the sport.
Training is open to all qualified pilots qualified, with no minimum hours or experience requirements. We can also train in your own aircraft if it has the appropriate approvals.
Training Standards:
Our instructors are qualified to train for the Aerobatic Rating as well as all three AOPA Aerobatic Certificate levels: Basic, Standard and Intermediate.
Specific training regimes are also available for pilots wanting to enter British Aerobatics competitions at Club, Sport, Intermediate, Advanced or Unlimited levels.
Pitts Dual Training costs come in two parts: An hourly rate of £285 for the aeroplane, based on block time (brakes off/brakes on), plus a fixed instructional fee of £50 to cover a 90-minute appointment.The average flight length is 35 minutes, which therefore costs £220.
Extra dual training costs come in two parts: An hourly rate of £450 for the aeroplane, based on block time (brakes off/brakes on), plus a fixed instructional fee of £50 to cover a 90-minute appointment. The average flight length is 30 minutes, which therefore costs £275.
These prices include VAT and all landing fees at White Waltham. Regular students are required to be members of West London Aero Club.